by Sharron Warren

I do hope that we have a Spring and not just hop into Summer, though Summer is my favorite month I’m finding that as I get older the heat can be harsh but I’ll take that over snow anytime. What I love is weather where I can open the windows (I love the Spring yellow dust!!) and not have to run the AC or heat – saving money is a good thing…………….especially when you don’t know where life is going to take you.

My sweet Tom and I went to our first EASE class last night – “Early Alzheimer Support and Education. We’ve been waiting over a year for the wonderful Alzheimer’s team to get trained. For their first class they were so together, organized, caring and had cookies!!! My favorite type of class. For those with a few extra bucks or with an Alzheimer’s family member this is a great organization to contribute to. Most of their “worker bees” are caring, compassionate volunteers. God Bless them all.

We went around the room and introduced ourselves with mostly where we were raised, education, work, who we live with and what we expect to gain from this program. Not only was I excited to be there but there were also 2 other women!! The class we used to go to once a month, as I said before, were all men and ME.

Life is rough with dementia of any sort and very frustrating. I’ve not told many people but when I do they give ME praise for being so brave or either say, “Oh, I’ve misplaced my keys, etc.” They don’t get it or they may think that this is an old persons disease. All I say is that it’s not like that…………….there is no one who can feel what I feel – the confusion and the lost days. I have not only bad days but bad weeks and I feel so lucky to have Tom. I can think of a lot of husbands who would have given up and left. Thank you my Sweetest Baboo.

Now on to “Bob”……….I am very organized and my house is always clean and the laundry is done but I so hate to dust and clean the floors – in comes “Bob” as we’ve named him – my early birthday present – a Roomba!! What a joy to see him wiz around cleaning – I’m not sure who spends more time watching him, me or Tom. Thank you Tom for my birthday present. My birthday next Tuesday will be spent picking up our CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) and going to our next EASE meeting. For today – life is good!!

Speaking of a good life not only do we get to take mini vacations and long ones but we are able to watch our Grandson, Riley (9 yrs.) in Karate class & school plays and watch Emma (6 yrs.) in her school play, T-ball and field hockey. My goodness they are a joy to me.

Until next time remember to love the one you’re with as life changes in a flash.

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